

Kofte is a dish that is very popular in Turkey and Middle Eastern countries. It is traditionally made with lamb and is extremely delicious. I created this Kofte using turkey and latin spices like cumin for my Cooking Matters class because turkey is healthy and affordable, but it turned out to be qui...

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Further reading

Cellar Tracker Android App Product Review

 wineonthedime  Aug 22, 2018

I decided to change up #WineWednesday to review a wine app! Today, I review the Cellar Tracker app for Android OS.If you like the video, remember to subscribe and click the bell enable notifications for when new videos are posted. Also, comment below if you have an idea for a review that you would l...

Vineyard Exploration in Valle d'Itria, Puglia

 GrapevineAdventures  Aug 11, 2018

Directly in the vineyard of Giovanni Aiello together with Nicola Campanile in Valle d'Itria more or less in the center of Puglia.Here he cultivates, for example, Verdeca and Bianco d'Alessano.

Happy Autumn! You'll FALL for this Crustless Pumpkin Pie with Pecan Topping by KitchAnnette

 KitchAnnette  Sep 26, 2016

It's finally Autumn! FALL right in with my Crustless Pumpkin Pie with Pecan Topping - no crust means no guilt! Not only is it delish, but the aroma wafting through your home will give you joy! Click here for the full recipe: http://www.kitchannette.com/crustless-pumpkin-pie-pecan-topping/- Get Kitch...