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Further reading

Do Wine Glasses Matter?

 CrushOnThis  Oct 24, 2024

Do Wine Glass Matter? Yes, they do. The size and shape of the wine glass will affect your perception of the wine, which will, in turn, affect your experience. Of course, if you want to drink your wine in a Solo cup, you can. But if you want to have the best experience, check out this video as we dis...

2018 Nick Goldschmidt Fidelity Zinfandel Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 25, 2020

It's been a while since I have reviewed a Zinfandel so I figured that it wouldn't hurt to grab a random one off the self and see how it tastes. Yes, random grabbing off the self was my "research" for this video. It happens a lot more than you realize. Any who, here is my review of the 2018 Nick Gold...

Arby's Killers coming up on my @Char-Griller Premium Flat Iron and the Gravity 980!!

 ramtuff2000  Mar 24, 2022

Time for Arby's Killers! Eye of round rubbed down with @btleighs Somethin to Beef About and seared on my @Char-Griller Premium Flat Iron before being finished off on my @Char-Griller Gravity 980!! Temps monitored by @The MeatStick Wi-Fi Pro Set and my hands were protected with some @Golden Protect...