NewAir sent me a wine fridge to review... so I obliged. Here is my take on the NewAir AWR-290DB 29 bottle wine refrigerator. If you want one for yourself, then enter code WOTD for 20% off NewAir AWR-290DB Wine Cooler at https://www.newair.com/products/awr-290db-29-bottle-wine-cellar?utm_source=youtu...
The #PinkSociety Twitter chat is this February 6th (tomorrow) at 8pm Central and our guest is going to be Inman Family Wines. They were kind enough to send me a bottle of their Olivet Grange Vineyard (OGV) Endless Crush Rosé of Pinot Noir to review. Stick around to see what I think and don't forget ...
Hi everyone! I just wanted to post a quick video to give an update to let you know what my prizes are going to be for the future giveaways.
At Digital Vino, we are learning more about the digital world of wine from the 'Wine Industry's Digital Futurist' himself...Paul Mabray.We had a great discussion on 3 February and there were many constructive and interesting questions from the audience.Watch the replay to catch it all!--------------...