

# winewednesday - our pick of the week! Two wines from CA with miniscule productions !Follow us on:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myveganwinesFacebook: https://m.facebook.com/myveganwinesTwitter: https://twitter.com/myveganwines?lang=enWebsite: Website: https://veganwines.com

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Further reading

How to Make ORECHIETTE with ITALIAN SAUSAGE, Cherry Tomatoes and Spinach // Tasty Bit 36

 WestchesterFoodies  Apr 8, 2014

I know that I say I love every dish, because I do. Not only is Orechiette with Italian sausage, cherry tomatoes a super easy dish for an Easter brunch or a any night of the week, it makes your house smell amazing. Everyone will be asking you for the recipe and leftovers are divine. Orechiette with I...

Banana/walnut cake on my Pit Boss Lockhart and burgers on my Char-Griller Akorn for my birthday

 ramtuff2000  Apr 6, 2020

#pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #pitbosslockhart #Lockhart #chargriller #akorn #cake #burgers #pulledpork

Vegan Wines | Animal-Friendly Wine Club

 VeganWines  Jul 25, 2018

We're a vegan wine club based in California, and we seek out wines that are created using animal-friendly methods. We ship to over 50 states.While many wineries use milk proteins, fish swim bladders, egg whites, or gelatin as fining agents, we select only those wineries that use vegan methods. We al...