

This is a great recipe that uses some canned goods that are already in your pantry or should be added ASAP!Ingredients:1 can chickpeas, drained1 can cannellini beans, drained1 can black beans, drained1 large cucumber, seeded and diced into bite sized chunks1.5 cups chopped celery1 small jar sund...

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Further reading

Coconut Ciabatta French Toast by KitchAnnette

 KitchAnnette  Jun 17, 2016

Here's a great spin on traditional French toast! And just in time for Father's Day - honor him with a brunch instead of a barbecue! Click here to get the recipe: http://www.kitchannette.com/coconut-ciabatta-french-toast/ Get KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menus: http://www.amazon.com/KitchAnnette-Red-Carpe...

Texas Wine Month Livestream ft. Ron Yates (Spicewood Vineyards and Ron Yates Wines)

 wineonthedime  Oct 17, 2020

Howdy Y'all! October is Texas Wine Month and I am honored to have Ron Yates. He is the owner of Spicewood Vineyards and Ron Yates Wines in the Texas Hillcountry. His wines have won awards at TEXSOM International Wine Awards, the San Francisco International Wine Competition, and The Cocours De Lyon I...

Texas Wine Month - Adega Vinho Wine Reviews (with Michael Bilger)

 wineonthedime  Oct 21, 2020

It's Texas Wine Month and I have been enjoying some really cool wines. However, today I get to enjoy them with a guest! I recently went out to Adega Vinho in Stonewall, Texas and had a chance to hang out with Michael Bilger. I interviewed him about their estate, his approach on making wine, and had ...