

If you don't like using chemicals in the kitchen, especially to clean cookware that comes in contact with food, this video is for you! Here's the all-natural way to clean copper without chemicals.Follow me on:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpressEnter...Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atho...

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Homemade Popeye's Chicken with a twist! 👀👀

 ramtuff2000  Nov 7, 2019

#food #goodeats #homecooking #bbq #pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #chicken #friedchicken #lodgecastiron

How to Make Pie Dough

 Anita  Sep 7, 2020

There's no reason to buy pre-packaged pie crust when it's so easy to make it at home. Here's a quick and easy recipe for a tasty dough that would make your grandma proud!Ingredients:2 1/2 cups all purpose flour, chilled1 tsp sugar1 tsp salt2 sticks of butter, cubed and chilled1/4 or 1/2 cup ice wate...

2017 Argyle Pinot Noir Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jun 1, 2020

Today's review is a subscriber request! I love Pinot Noir so it wasn't a hard sell when Carl asked me to put this wine on my list. Also, yes I know I pronounced Willamette incorrectly. It's a bad habit and I don't always catch myself when I do it until it's too late. Anyway, here's my review of th...