

Beets are one of those veggies that many people had a bad experience with growing up, but are actually one of the most delicious and healthy foods on the planet. Many people are afraid of making them at home because they overcook them or over-prep them so that they stain everything. In this nifty li...

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Further reading

Sauvignon Blanc Showdown! WYSIWYG vs Starborough Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 7, 2017

TIME FOR A SHOWDOWN! In the red corner, hailing from France, weighing in at $6.50 and 11.5% ABV...we have What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Sauvignon Blanc! In the blue corner, out of New Zealand, weighing in at $9.50 and 13% ABV...the current Sauvignon Blanc champion of Wine on the Dime...Star...

Wine Hall of Fame - Starborough Sauvignon Blanc

 wineonthedime  May 6, 2017

Today, I induct Starborough Sauvignon Blanc into the Wine on the Dime Hall of Fame! It's a fantastic wine and I've never been disappointed with any glass I've imbibed. At the $10 per bottle price point, it is a phenomenal find in your local wine section.

Your favorite wine may be more than grapes.

 VeganWines  Oct 5, 2021

This short video shares a few facts of what can be in your wine. This is why at Vegan Wines is about transparency. Know what's in your wine.