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Further reading

10 Minute Wine Time - Hybrid Grapes, Yes or No?

 GrapevineAdventures  Oct 29, 2023

Hybrid grapes have a bright future ahead.I believe so.It will just take a bit of time to implement change and to change people's mentality when it comes to the co-existence of Vitis vinifera grapes and hybrid grapes.At a seminar in #Bergamo in connection with the Emozioni dal Mondo #wine competition...

What Is Madeira Wine? How Is Madeira Made?

 CrushOnThis  Jan 25, 2024

What is Madeira? Madeira is the name of an island in Portugal. And Madeira is the name of a wine made on the island..Madeira is a fortified wine. While the enemies of most wines are light, heat, and oxygen, they are not enemies of Madeira. Madeira is the result of centuries-old history. It is a wine...

Fresh Tomato Mozzarella Pasta by KitchAnnette

 KitchAnnette  Jul 14, 2016

Have some macaroni with this Fresh Tomato & Mozzarella Pasta! No workout required to enjoy such a bright and delicious dish! Click here to get the recipe: KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menus: