

#shorts How to make Fried Zeppole the Italian Feast Way.

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Further reading

WINE COLLECTING 101: SIZE MATTERS! (Impact of wine bottle size)

 AttorneySomm  Apr 1, 2021

In this video, Attorney Somm discusses the impact of wine bottle size on a wine's aging. Attorney Somm explains why larger format wine bottles age more gracefully than regular wine bottles.Attorney Somm then discuses the pros and cons of large format wine bottles and half bottles and the reasons why...

Spanish wines basics for beginners: Spanish wine labels - Crush On This Episode 98

 CrushOnThis  May 26, 2022

Wine labels play an important role when buying wine. But when a label is in a foreign language, it can be confusing. Luckily, Spanish wines are easier to understand than others. With a few tips and knowledge of the key terms, you will be ready to shop for your next bottle of Spanish wine. In this ep...

Breakfast for dinner on the Camp Chef FTG-700

 ramtuff2000  Apr 9, 2020

Bacon, Canadian bacon, homemade hash browns, pancakes,eggs and my breakfast burger! #campchef #bacon #flattop #griddle #homecook #food #foodie #family #yum #ftg700