

Forty-Five North Vineyard and Winery are one of the guests for this Thursday's #PinkSociety Twitter chat. Drop by at 8pm Central and search for the hashtag to participate and to learn more about Michigan wine. They were kind enough to send me a bottle of their 45 Bubbly Riesling to review, so let's ...

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Further reading

2019 Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc Viognier White Wine Blend Review

 wineonthedime  Nov 3, 2020

HAPPY ELECTION DAY! Regardless of who you vote for, I have an interesting wine for you to enjoy while celebrating your win, drowning your sorrows, or getting hammered in your underground bunker waiting for *insert group name here*'s extremists to attack and steal your 30 years worth of ration of can...

How To Make Handcrafted Marshmallows

 Anita  Feb 26, 2022

These perfect puffy pillows of confection perfection are easy to create. In this video, I'll show you how to make handcrafted marshmallows at home!Ingredients:4 envelopes of unflavored gelatin1 1/2 cups granulated sugar1 cup light corn syrup1 cup cold water, divided in half1 generous pinch of salt1 ...

Five Fun Wine Facts About Cabernet Franc - Crush On This Episode 123

 CrushOnThis  Mar 16, 2023

Cabernet Franc is mainly known to be a blending partner to Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot in the Bordeaux region of France.Cabernet Franc adapts well to different soil types around the world but prefers chalky, sandy soils.Wines made with Cabernet Franc are either blends or single variety expressions...