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Valentine Opera Night At Vinovium

 wineonthedime  Feb 15, 2020

A sneak peak at the cool stuff going on at Vinovium in Stonewall, TX. You can help me fuel more content on the channel through... ►Teespring Store: https://teespring.com/stores/wine-on-the-dime-store ►My affiliate store: http://www.wineonthedime.com/shop If you like the video, remember to subscrib...

Wine and Greece! - Crush On This Episode 15

 CrushOnThis  Oct 29, 2020

Explore wine and Greece in our latest episode! We share three Greek wines from this ancient winemaking country boasting rich tradition, history, culture, food... and sweeping, sun-drenched views. It's all Greek to us as we crush on this wine! Yamas! What's your favorite Greek wine? Share in the comm...