

Dutton Estate is the guest for tomorrow's #PinkSociety chat on Twitter. Join us at 8pm Central to get to learn a little more about them and their love for growing more than just grapes. In the meantime, let's check out the Dutton Estate 2020 "Kylie's Fumé" Fumé Blanc.►Vintage: 2020►Varietal: Sauvign...

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Further reading

How to Peel an Egg Nicely // Tasty Bit 48

 WestchesterFoodies  Jun 26, 2014

I always search on Google and YouTube when I want to know how to do anything and sometimes it is difficult to figure out who has the best solution. My new friend, who also happened to give me my new hair do, asked me if I knew how to peel eggs easily, and being the food nerd that I am, I had an answ...

2019 Durigutti Cabernet Franc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 13, 2021

I had a great steak and beet dinner planned last weekend and decided that it would be awesome to pair with a nice Cabernet Franc. I went to the store prepared not to find one but I got double lucky. I found one AND it's from Mendoza, Argentina. Let's see if the 2019 Durigutti Cabernet Franc with be ...

2018 White Knight Viognier Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Feb 24, 2022

Today is a subscriber request! I love Viognier so it wasn't hard to convince me to do this one. Let's take a look at the 2018 White Knight Viognier.►Vintage: 2018►Varietal: Viognier ►Region: Clarksburg, Yellow County, Central Valley, California ►Price: $11 You can help me create more content on t...