

A video where I talk about my social media consulting services. This is an extra service I offer to clients mostly in the wine business as an extra to my wine writing.

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Further reading

Moroccan Sex Wings // Tasty Bit 75

 WestchesterFoodies  Feb 5, 2015

I was craving Moroccan flavors, but have no idea how to make Moroccan food. I do, however, know that Cumin and Cinnamon are often found in Moroccan food so I Googled "Cumin, Cinnamon, Moroccan Spice Blends" and came up with Ras el hanout, which is sort of like North Africa's curry, everyone has thei...

Pocket Salt for Foodies // Tasty Bit 21

 WestchesterFoodies  Dec 3, 2013

Never have to ask for salt at a restaurant again! Never insult a chef's sensitive ego. And never have to put iodized salt on your food again in public. Yes my friends, pocket salt is here, and it is here to stay?

Wine Faults: What is Cork Taint? - Crush On This Episode 52

 CrushOnThis  Jul 8, 2021

Have you ever opened a bottle of wine, excitedly poured yourself a glass only to encounter an odor that is off-putting? Welcome to the world of wine faults.Wine faults and flaws can spoil single bottles of wine or entire batches or vintages. As a wine consumer, it is beneficial to have a few clear...