

Have you ever opened a bottle of wine, excitedly poured yourself a glass only to encounter an odor that is off-putting? Welcome to the world of wine faults.Wine faults and flaws can spoil single bottles of wine or entire batches or vintages. As a wine consumer, it is beneficial to have a few clear...

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Further reading

2021 Luchi Pinot Grigio Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Aug 26, 2023

My kid had surgery... my wife is sick... my life sounds like a country song. Nothing that a little Pinot Grigio can't fix! Let's take a look at the 2021 Luchi Pinot Grigio.You can help me create more content on the channel through my Teespring shop! https://teespring.com/stores/wine-on-the-dime-stor...

Lounge Lizard

 RebelVino  Dec 30, 2020

Ingredients:     1 oz. dark rum     0.5 oz. amaretto     Cola   Instructions: Pour dark rum and amaretto into an ice-filled Collins glass. Fill the rest of the glass with cola and garnish with a lime. Remember, drinks with soda are often easi...