

The Brooklyn Brothers share their Italian Zeppole recipe, just like the ones you eat at an Italian Feast. We will show you how to make Zeppole, which is so easy to prepare. You will absolutely love these sweet and pillowy fried zeppole!Back in 2021, Chef Dom and I visited Our Lady of Mt. Carmel It...

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Grilled Pizza and Smoked Hot Sausage on my Pit Boss Lockhart

 ramtuff2000  Mar 19, 2020

Pizza with smoked mozzarella, brisket, shredded mozzarella and jalapeno peppers. We also hung the hot sausages in the top chamber for a much different texture but a juicer hot sausage. 💪🏾💪🏾😋😋🔥 #pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #Lockhar...

Nickale Boys: Kale Salad with Orange Vinaigrette

 KitchAnnette  Feb 27, 2025

It's the 2025 Red Carpet Menu for OscarĀ®! And it's the 30th Anniversary of this Red Carpet Menu!!! Celebrations for all!!!! Each year I take the Academy Award's Best Picture Nominations and give them each an honorary dish to create an award-worthy meal! Recipe below!This year's theme is Latin-esque ...