

In this video, Attorney Somm answers frequently asked wine-related questions from his followers, including his favorite red and white grape varieties, why to use a white wine glass for Champagne, food and wine pairing strategies, tips for ordering red wine at restaurants and many more wine-related q...

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Further reading

2017 Theopolis Vineyards Symphony Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 14, 2020

Happy Monday! Theopolis Vineyards is the guest in this week's #PinkSociety Twitter chat and they were kind enough to send me a few bottles to review before the event kicks off. The first bottle is a really cool grape that I've only had once before here in Texas. I'm really excited to see how this wi...

Char-Griller Gravity Fed 980 1st look and cook!

 ramtuff2000  Apr 10, 2021

1st cook on the Char-Griller Gravity Fed 980! Trying out wings and burgers for the 1st cook. Breaking it down y'all! #LEGGGGOOOOO #bbq #chargriller #gravityfed980 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Created by InShot:https://inshotapp.com/share/youtube.html