

What is Dessert Wine and how do we categorize it? What types of grape varieties make an excellent dessert wine? Is Icewine produced only in Canada? What type of glass should I serve my dessert wine in? So many questions! We have the answers for you in this very sweet episode of Crush on This. Do ...

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Further reading


 AttorneySomm  Oct 7, 2020

In this video, Attorney Somm and Kyle Kaplan, the U.S. Brand Ambassador for Piper Heidsieck and Rare Champagne, enjoy a virtual wine tasting of the 2006 Rare Champagne.Kyle discusses the inspiration and rich heritage of Rare Champagne, as well as their approach to blending and the philosophy of accl...

Covid 2020 - The Holiday Survival Guide

 Anita  Nov 30, 2020

Crisis Prevention Resources:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services1-800-662-HELP (4357) https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplineNational Suicide Prevention Hotline800-273-8255https://www.google.com/search?q=national+suicide+hotline&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS775US775&oq=national+suicide+&aqs=ch...

Carnivora: Marinated NY Strip Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

 KitchAnnette  Feb 27, 2025

It's the 2025 Red Carpet Menu for OscarĀ®! And it's the 30th Anniversary of this Red Carpet Menu!!! Celebrations for all!!!! Each year I take the Academy Award's Best Picture Nominations and give them each an honorary dish to create an award-worthy meal! Recipe below!This year's theme is Latin-esque ...