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Further reading

2021 Parducci Small Lot Pinot Noir Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Dec 21, 2023

I saw this Pinot Noir for $11 and wanted to see how it compared to a few other Pinot Noirs that I like around this price range. 2015 Louis Latour Domaine de Valmoissine Pinot Noir Wine Review: Castle Rock Pinot Noir Wine Review: You can h...

Fluffy's Birthday Treats

 Anita  Jun 26, 2020

To celebrate Fluffy's 13th birthday, I'll show you how to make these yummy sweet potato and peanut butter doggie biscuits.1 cup cooked sweet potato (or canned pumpkin)2 eggs1/3 cup peanut butter2 cups all-purpose or whole wheat flour.DO NOT USE ALMOND FLOUR!!! Almonds can cause pancreatitis in dogs...