

In this video, we talk with a winemaker that is facing the results of climate change. We find an apple cider we really love and one that we were not too fond of. We ate some delicious food and had amazing views.

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Further reading

2016 S.P. Drummer Petit Syrah Wine Review from NakedWines.com

 wineonthedime  Jul 5, 2019

I'm ending the week on (what I hope) is a high note. I'm wrapping up the last box of wine that NakedWines.com sent to me to review as a brand ambassador. I'm a huge fan of Petit Syrah, so I'm praying that this doesn't disappoint. Here is my review of the 2016 S.P. Drummer Petit Syrah.►Vintage: 2016►...

2018 Lombardi Wines Pinot Noir Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Feb 9, 2022

Lombardi Wines is the guest for tomorrow's #PinkSociety "Wine and Pasta" chat on Twitter. Join us at 8pm Central to learn more about their history, wines, and how they pair with carby goodness.►Vintage: 2018►Varietal: Pinot Noir ►Region: Sonoma Coast, California ►ABV: 14.2% ►Website: https://lomb...