

It's the 2025 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! And it's the 30th Anniversary of this Red Carpet Menu!!! Celebrations for all!!!! Each year I take the Academy Award's Best Picture Nominations and give them each an honorary dish to create an award-worthy meal! Recipe below!This year's theme is Latin-esque ...

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Further reading

Choker - Angry Artichoke Dip

 KitchAnnette  Mar 30, 2021

It's the 2020 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! This year's theme is UK dishes and, for Joker, it's Choker! The Brits love a "angry" or spicy artichoke dip and that works perfectly for Joker. Read all about it and get the full recipe at https://kitchannette.com/angry-artichoke-dip/- Get KitchAnnette Red C...

2022 KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menu Announcement

 KitchAnnette  Feb 28, 2022

The Oscar® nominations have been announced which means the KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menu must also be announced! This year's theme is Mid-Century Dinner Party. There are TEN movies so there are TEN dishes! How'd we do? Check out our menu movie posters at https://kitchannette.com/announcing-the-2022-r...

2020 Pierofosco Chianti & StraBIOrdante Organic Prosecco Wine Review Macy's Wine Shop

 wineonthedime  Dec 2, 2022

Macy's Wine Shop sent me some wines as part of a private virtual tasting and the tasting was a blast. They didn't ask for a review on these wines but I figured I would do it anyway since the bottles were open. :) Here is my review of their 2021 Pierofosco Chianti and StraBIOrdante Organic Prosecco....