

Today, I get to show you one of my toys! I received this a while back (a gift, not sent to me to review) and have been using it, so I decided to do a product review on it. Here is my review of the Stubby Strip Wine Bottle Holder!Wine Strip: https://amzn.to/2uxMngI]Beer Strip: https://amzn.to/2uivebE...

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Further reading

WINE EDUCATION: Is WSET Certification Right For You?

 AttorneySomm  Oct 14, 2020

In this video, Attorney Somm explains why he pursued his wine education through WSET certification and shares his experiences so that you can decide if WSET certification may be right for you and, if so, which levels you may wish to pursue. Attorney Somm, currently a level 4 diploma student, prov...

Skirt Steak on the @Char-Griller Akorn

 ramtuff2000  Mar 12, 2022

#myersmasterpieces #MMP #chargriller #akorn #bbq #steak #chargrillergrills #teamchargriller

Barreri & Rovati 2013 Barbaresco Wine Review (Trader Joe's)

 wineonthedime  Dec 22, 2020

I'm kicking off the reviews for this week with the brother (or cousin, half-sister... idk) of the Trader Joe's Barolo I reviewed the other day. Let's take a look at the Barreri & Rovati 2013 Barbaresco.►Vintage: 2013►Varietal: Nebbiolo►Region: Barbaresco DOCG, Italy►ABV: 14% ►Price: $21 You can hel...