

I came up with this Armenian-inspired Middle Eastern Brown Rice for my daughter. Apricots and pistachios, along with orange zest, give this brown rice its distinctive middle eastern flavor.Ingredients:1 cup brown rice2 1/2 cups chicken broth2 TBSP butter1/2 cup finely chopped onions1/c cup dried apr...

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Further reading

Mas Martinet (Priorat): Sara Perez Interview and Priorat Master Class with Attorney Somm - Part 1

 AttorneySomm  Aug 22, 2021

In this video, Attorney Somm interviews Sara Perez, who owns and operates Mas Martinet. Mas Martinet is a top winery in Priorat, Catalunya, Spain. Photo credit for thumbnail picture to Mas Martinet.Sara Perez's father and the father of her husband, Rene Barbier, Jr., were part of a small group of...

2013 Kirkland Signature (Costco) Rioja Tempranillo Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Nov 16, 2018

I've had a lot of viewer requests asking me to do Costco wines. I've also had a lot of nagging from my wife to go get my Costco card. Well, when worlds collide you get new wine reviews from me. Today, I review the 2013 Kirkland Signature Rioja Tempranillo.►Vintage: 2013►Varietal: Tempranillo►Region:...

How To Make Blackberry Crumble Pie

 Anita  Sep 6, 2021

We can't say goodbye to summer without a delicious fruity dessert. Today, I'll show you how to make blackberry crumble pie. Fresh and juicy, this humble crumble tastes like summer.I'll break the recipe down into parts: the filling, the crumble (which is great on any fruit pie), a link to my pie crus...