

Happy 2021! I have a special guest for you today. Romain Teyteau is the North America Export Director for Les Vins George Duboeuf. As some of you may recall, I did a Beaujolais Nouveau comparison last November and the George Duboeuf was one of my favorites. However, they have many other wines that s...

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Further reading

The Easiest Sponge Cake!

 KitchAnnette  Feb 16, 2019

Not only is this buttery cake awesome on it's own but it's the perfect base for tiramisu, trifles, and many other decadent treats. Get the full recipe and more: http://www.kitchannette.com/sponge-cake/- Get KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menus: http://www.amazon.com/KitchAnnette-Red-Carpet-Menus-Nomination...


 WestchesterFoodies  Nov 7, 2013

Welcome to Claudia's Tasty Bits. I love to share my favorite simple dishes, techniques and products while making you laugh. If I am not doing this, let me know.Drop me a line and tell me what you would like to see more of! Keep it PG!Love and Tasty Bits!Claudia

Spinach and Beef Meatballs for Toddlers and Grown up Toddlers // Tasty Bit 55

 WestchesterFoodies  Sep 11, 2014

This super easy recipe for spinach and beef meatballs was born out of the need to include more veggies into my toddler's diet. Lola eats most food, but I had been having trouble getting her to take large bites of, let's say, broccoli. I thought about the fact that spinach shrinks tremendously when c...