

I love to make this super easy and tasty watermelon salad. Not only does it impress the pants off of guests, but each time I make it, it surprises me just how good it is. It is such a beautiful version of watermelon salad to serve. There are a million, ok maybe 20, ways to make watermelon salad, but...

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Further reading

Spinach and Beef Meatballs for Toddlers and Grown up Toddlers // Tasty Bit 55

 WestchesterFoodies  Sep 11, 2014

This super easy recipe for spinach and beef meatballs was born out of the need to include more veggies into my toddler's diet. Lola eats most food, but I had been having trouble getting her to take large bites of, let's say, broccoli. I thought about the fact that spinach shrinks tremendously when c...

Rodney Strong Hits Refresh - Crush On this Episode 65

 CrushOnThis  Oct 7, 2021

Rodney Strong Vineyards has been producing wine for 60 years. After four decades, the brand has undergone a rejuvenation with winery upgrades, vineyard upgrades, new packaging, a tasting room renovation, and more. Join the Crush On This crew as we share some of the new changes to this pioneering win...

2016 Governor's Bay Sauvignon Blanc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 3, 2018

The Haley's Corker video wouldn't be complete without testing a screw top wine. Oh well, I guess I better get into this bottle of Governor's Bay Sauvignon Blanc to fill that spot!►Vintage: 2016►Varietal: Sauvignon Blanc►Region: New Zealand►ABV: 12.5%►Price: $11Haley's Corker Review: https://youtu.be...