

France has Crème Brûlée, Spain and Latin America have flan and Italy has Panna Cotta. I love Panna Cotta because it is all about the cream... no eggs involved... and because it is a lot easier to make then it's Spanish and French cousins. This recipe for Panna Cotta is a close offshoot of the one Gi...

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Further reading

Classic Bolognese with WAGYU Beef – Our Most Popular Meat Sauce Recipe

 BrooklynBrothers  Jan 22, 2022

Today Chef Dom shows you how to make Classic Bolognese with Wagyu beef. You will absolutely love this Meat Sauce recipe! This simple Bolognese recipe contains, tomato, onions, garlic, celery, carrots, EVOO and of course Wagyu beef, which can be substituted for Ground Chuck (80/20). The earliest d...

How To Make Simple Sourdough Starter

 Anita  Jan 15, 2021

Making your own sourdough starter is easier than you think! Three simple ingredients combined with a little water will have you whipping up sourdough loaves in no time.Ingredients:1/2 cup plain yogurt with active live cultures2/3 cup warm water1/2 cup whole wheat flour1 cup all-purpose flourMethod:C...

The French Connection Winery and La Connection White Rhone Blend Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 25, 2019

I got wind that a new Texas winery focusing on Rhône Valley blends was opening soon. Then I found out that some of the best wine professionals in the Texas Hillcountry were the folks partnering together to get it done. I HAD to see if this place was as good as I thought it would be and I was not dis...