

France has Crème Brûlée, Spain and Latin America have flan and Italy has Panna Cotta. I love Panna Cotta because it is all about the cream... no eggs involved... and because it is a lot easier to make then it's Spanish and French cousins. This recipe for Panna Cotta is a close offshoot of the one Gi...

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It's a Family Affair!! Featuring some of my all time favorites in this multi cook!

 ramtuff2000  Jan 13, 2023

Wings, Breasts and Shrimp featuring @allegromarinade @kindersflavors @bbqjank @heathrilesbbq all cooked up on my @chargrillergrills Auto Kamado over @thegoodcharcoal It's definitely a Family Thing! Y'all should check out some of these awesome companies and products! Tell them I sent ya😉#LEGG...

Taste Wine Like A Pro Wine Tips - Crush On This Episode 43

 CrushOnThis  Apr 13, 2021

Want to taste like the pros? Wine tasting is not just the way something “tastes”. Tasting is a skill, and like all skills, it takes time to develop the needed skill set. There are four steps to tasting like a pro. Join us as we talk about how to hold the glass, swirling, smelling, tasting, and descr...