

Champagne is a wine of celebration. It is often saved for special occasions. But Champagne is not just for toasting at special events, holidays, and celebrations. Champagne is not just an aperitif wine to enjoy before dinner. Champagne is the perfect choice to enjoy with an evening meal. Champagne i...

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Further reading

Charles Shaw 2 Buck Chuck Chardonnay Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 25, 2018

Happy #WineWednesday! Let's get through hump day with another one of those Trader Joe's 2 Buck Chucks. Today, their Chardonnay!►Varietal: Chardonnay►Region: California►ABV: 12.5%►Price: $If you like the video, remember to subscribe and click the bell enable notifications for when new videos are post...

Talking Asolo Prosecco with Paola from Bele Casel Winery

 GrapevineAdventures  Dec 1, 2018

The other day at Wine2Wine in Verona, I met Paola Ferraro from the Bele Casel winery to talk about their Asolo Prosecco wines.Learn more in this video about Asolo Montello and Prosecco.

19-17 lbs - Date Nut War Cake

 KitchAnnette  Mar 31, 2021

It's the 2020 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! This year's theme is UK dishes and, for 1917 (Time is the Enemy), it's 19-17 lbs (Cake is the Enemy)! Ohhh thank goodness for a tagline! War Cakes were a real thing and with cakes like this, how can anyone fight? Read all about it and get the full recipe at ...