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Further reading

Moroccan Sex Wings // Tasty Bit 75

 WestchesterFoodies  Feb 5, 2015

I was craving Moroccan flavors, but have no idea how to make Moroccan food. I do, however, know that Cumin and Cinnamon are often found in Moroccan food so I Googled "Cumin, Cinnamon, Moroccan Spice Blends" and came up with Ras el hanout, which is sort of like North Africa's curry, everyone has thei...

Castellana 2019 Montepulciano D'Abruzzo Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jun 4, 2021

When I was at the store the other day, I realized that I have not reviewed a Montepulciano in a really, really long time. To fix that problem, I picked up the cheapest one I could find at Total Wine and More. Let's see if the Castellana 2019 Montepulciano D'Abruzzo is worth the $8 that I spent on it...

The IrishHam - Guinness Glazed Ham

 KitchAnnette  Mar 30, 2021

It's the 2020 Red Carpet Menu for OscarĀ®! This year's theme is UK dishes and, for The Irishman, it's The IrishHam! And what better glaze to make for it than a Guinness Glaze! My reasoning for choosing this is a little cheeky, but I stand behind it! Ha! Read all about it and get the full recipe at ht...