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Further reading

2017 Ondarre VII Parcelas Crianza Rioja Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Mar 22, 2021

Nachos are amazing! There are few things that can make them better. However, a great wine pairing is one of those ways to improve them. Rioja is one of my favorite wines to enjoy with them so I grabbed one off the shelf at my local store. Here is my review of the 2017 Ondarre VII Parcelas Crianza.►V...

Surf and Turf our way on the Pit Boss Austin XL

 ramtuff2000  Feb 23, 2020

Steak, shrimp and smoked potatoes!! #bbq #pitbossnation #goodeats #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #steak #

Everything But The Kitchen Sink Soup

 Anita  Oct 22, 2022

When you have a bunch of leftover vegetables, make this wonderful Everything-But-The-Kitchen-Sink Soup in your pressure cooker or #instapot. Sometimes I find #instapotrecipes bland. But this one won't disappoint. And it's #vegan! If you're not looking for a #veganrecipe, you can substitute the vege...