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Thanksgiving 2019

 ramtuff2000  Nov 29, 2019

#pitbossgrills #pitbossnation #inkbird #chargriller #akorn #thanksgiving #spatchcock #turkey #duck #ham #goodeats #homecooking #bbq #yum #grill #austinxl

WinesOfItaly LiveStream with Poggi Del Chianti

 GrapevineAdventures  Mar 28, 2017

-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "My guest appearance at #WiningHourChat"

Crémant Wine: Crémant de Bourgogne, Crémant d'Alsace and Crémant de Loire - Crush on This Episode 13

 CrushOnThis  Oct 15, 2020

Oooh la la! The Crush On This crew are in love with sparkling wines that ooze finesse and elegance in every sip. We also love affordability...and Cremant has exactly what we need. Intrigued? Enjoy our latest video about this very special sparkling wine from France (and Luxembourg, too!) What is your...