

Mujer Andina Wines, a family-owned project specialized in sparkling wines currently members of MOVI (Movimiento de Viñateros Independientes), the major independent vintners association of Chile. Levita Brut Rose, premium sparkling wine originated from the wish to create a high-quality product that w...

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Test Article

 RebelVino  Nov 25, 2020

Test 2:Going to do a second publish of this article and change the publish date to 10/23/2020.

2021 Carmel Road Chardonnay Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Feb 20, 2023

I bought this wine because my wife doesn't like most Chardonnay and I knew it would survive in the wine fridge long enough so I ...

Shaved Raw Zucchini Salad with Basil and Parmesan // Tasty Bit 87

 WestchesterFoodies  May 21, 2015

Anyone can shave zucchini and put it on a plate, but it will most likely become soggy because of one factor. I love salt more than anything and I always salt every step of the way, except for when I make shaved zucchini salad. Salt draws out the moisture in zucchini in the same way that it does in e...