Join us on our trip in our Tesla with our camper made by NuCamp T@B 320. Our journey vegan driving cross-country (USA) is to find vegan wines from the soil to your glass. Oh, and btw, the Tesla and NuCamp are both made in the USA :)
Here is a mind-blowing fact: all popcorn is microwave popcorn. They haven't done anything magical to the popcorn to make it pop in the microwave. IT'S THE BAG. I know, right?!??? So, you don't need all that other stuff that's in the pre-made kind. You can just get good old fashioned plain un-popped ...
It's National Chicken Wing Day! To celebrate, Haley and I are doing the @First We Feast Hot Ones Challenge. It's a bit different though because I am trying each of the sauces and giving my opinion on which wine I would pair with them. Haley also flips the tables on me and makes me do a little interv...