

I shot a bit of a longer video but it's an important one. I'm going over how I've been breaking apart and studying all the material that is being tossed our way. Compared to the WSET Level 2, the Level 3 Advanced is like drinking from a fire hose. I hope the things that I'm doing to get into a study...

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Further reading

Prepare Only the Best Italian Dressing for Salads – Easy Homemade Italian Dressing

 BrooklynBrothers  Mar 31, 2021

Check out this easy Homemade Italian Dressing! This was our father’s recipe, and we will show you how to prepare only the best Italian dressing for salads. We used this recipe for decades at our family’s Italian restaurants. Very easy to prepare and made with only natural ingredients (no preser...

2021 The Pale by Sacha Lichine Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 27, 2023

This wine review is brought to you by my youngest daughter. She thought the bottle looked cool while we were in the wine aisle so I chose it. Let's take a look at the 2021 The Pale by Sacha Lichin.Wine Review►Region: Vin de Pays/ IGP Var, Provence, FranceYou can help me create more content on the c...

10 Ways to use Palacios Chorizo Picante from Spain - OLE! // Tasty Bit 42

 WestchesterFoodies  May 15, 2014

Spanish Chorizo should be in everyone's pantry. My favorite Spanish chorizo is made by Palacios and is from Spain. Palacios Chorizo Picante is dry cured and does not have to be refrigerated. What my nifty little video where I show you 10 different things that you can do with this lovely little chori...