

Wine 7 of the Bougie Wine Advent Calendar review is live! It's a blend but it's also NV, so I'm wondering how this one will compare to the other wines I've tried so far. Stick around for about 4 minutes and take a look!Bought this box set at H-E-B for $70, so it comes out to about $11.50 or so for a...

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Further reading

Welcome to Wine on the Dime!

 wineonthedime  Dec 30, 2016

Hi Everyone, welcome to the channel for Wine on the Dime! I do reviews for wine under $15. Please make sure to take a look around at the other videos on the channel. Like, subscribe, comment, or binge watch...whatever makes you happy.If you want to follow me in other places, then you can also find m...

2018 Jacob's Creek Reserve Shiraz Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Aug 31, 2020

I realize that I released a Jacob's Creek video the other day, but that is a white wine and this is a red wine. That makes it okay, right? Well anyway, today I take a look a wine that is double the price of the classic Shiraz. Here is the 2018 Jacob's Creek Reserve Shiraz.â–ºVintage: 2018â–ºVarietal: Sh...