

I was in the mood for a Chardonnay the other day but not just your "normal" one: I was on the hunt for a barrel-fermented Chard. I found a few options and ended up picking this one. I know... interesting story, right!? Anywho, here is my review of the 2021 Harken Barrel Fermented Chardonnay.►Vintage...

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Further reading

HALL WINES: Virtual Tasting with Kathryn Walt Hall

 AttorneySomm  Oct 25, 2020

In this video, Attorney Somm and Kathryn Walt Hall discuss Hall Wines, Walt Wines, and Baca Wines. They also enjoy a virtual tasting of wines from these three brands. The discussion begins with a focus on current events in Napa, including the recent fires, the 2020 vintage and harvest and how the ...

Moros y Cristianos A K A Cuban Beans and Rice // Tasty Bit 65

 WestchesterFoodies  Nov 25, 2014

During my last pregnancy, that ended one month ago, I craved Cuban food 24-7 and mainly Moros y Cristianos, Cuban black beans and rice. I suffered because there are a lot of cultures in White Plains, NY, but not a lot of Cubans... White Plains should be my Shangri-La, given that there are 4 Colombia...

Fig & Walnut Rugelach – 2017 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®

 KitchAnnette  Feb 20, 2017

Welcome to the 2017 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! To honor Oscar® Best Picture Nominated "Hidden Figures", it's "Hidden Figelach". The fig butter is hidden with the walnuts in the light, buttery dough for a perfect sweet bite. Click here for the full recipe: http://www.kitchannette.com/fig-walnut-ruge...