

Living the look and quality feel of this oven so far. It's a cold day here in PA and you can really hear that metal expanding. The only problem I've seen so far is the front door does seem to get stuck on the unit. Not a deal breaker..... yet but, time will tell if it remains an issue. Other than th...

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Further reading

Bacon Cheeseburgers our way on the @Pit Boss Grills Sportsman 820!!

 ramtuff2000  Mar 12, 2022

This may be your new favorite burger to make! #myersmasterpieces #MMP #bbq #burgers #bacon #pitbossgrills #sportsman820 #food #backyardbbq

Best Recipe with Eggplant We Ever Tasted - Veal Sicilian Recipe

 BrooklynBrothers  Dec 31, 2021

This is truly the best recipe with eggplant we ever tasted. Veal Sicilian is a cross between eggplant parmigiana and veal parmigiana with a three-cheese layer then topped with tomato sauce, and yes, more mozzarella. This dish was one of our father’s creations and served at his restaurants. This V...

Rodney Strong Vineyards 2019 "Charlotte's Home" Sauvignon Blanc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jun 16, 2021

I renewed my Costco membership and went on a run to stock the kids up with snacks for the summer. I ended up spending WAY too much and my wife revoked my ability to carry my card now. I got the three things she asked for... and about two months of wine reviews... Anyway, let's take a look at the Rod...