

Welcome to our 2016 Red Carpet Menu for Oscars®! It's our final dessert we call "The Clawvenant", in honor of Oscar® Best Picture Nominated "The Revenant". Homemade bear claws with a light almond paste and pastry with buttery layers on layers! Get the full recipe and MORE: http://www.kitchannette.co...

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Further reading

Garlic Butter Shrimp Scampi and Cheesy Grits

 eddie  Jul 25, 2023

One of my favorite dishes is garlic butter shrimp over cheesy grits! Both parts of this dish can be quick to make and enjoy. We have separate recipes for the 2 parts to this dish, but there are changes in how you prepare the dish that truly make it into a single meal.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

 Anita  Jun 11, 2020

Don't have any seeds? Look in your refrigerator!Follow me on:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpressEnter...​Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/athomewitha...​Twitter https://twitter.com/anitarosner​​My Blog: snorkfest.com

Creativity in times of a pandemic...according to Carol & Katarina

 GrapevineAdventures  Mar 8, 2021

NEP...Never Ending pandemic...is real.How do you cope and stay creative 🖊 in times of a pandemic that just goes on and on...?Join us to discuss more about creativity tomorrow 👉 7 March9pm CEST / 3pm ET / 12pm PTCheers! 🥂