

Blackened Chicken Alfredo is on the menu today! The contrast of the blackening spices and the creamy alfredo sauce give this dish multiple satisfying flavors in one bite. This Blackened Chicken with an old school Alfredo recipe is very easy to prepare. We will show you how to make your own Blacken...

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Further reading

100 White Wines with Radici del Sud, Puglia

 GrapevineAdventures  Jan 3, 2019

A short video from a wine tasting at Oltremura in Cisternino, Puglia last year that was organized by the Radici del Sud team.

2017 Carson Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Mar 27, 2020

Okay... Total Wines was touting how great this wine is compared to similarly priced Cabs. I took the bait. Let's see how this wine stacks up with others that I've tasted. Here is my review of the 2017 Carson Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon. ►Vintage: 2017 ►Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon ►Region: Paso Roble...

MD 20/20 Orange Jubilee "Bum Wine" Review

 wineonthedime  May 11, 2022

Okay... this is the last request I'm taking from y'all for a while. Today, I review the MD 20/20 Orange Jubilee. Seriously... stop it now.►Vintage: NV►Varietal: N/A►Region: Cletus' Barn ►ABV: 13% ►Price: $8, winning the state football championship, two hours of someone else's homework, or 2 chicke...