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Further reading

Certified Sommelier Exam Preparation App Review

 wineonthedime  Aug 17, 2018

Since I'm going for my WSET, I decided to see how I stack up against the CMS curriculum. So, I found a app that... well, it has some helpful questions..? (P.S. I did this review a long time ago before I started to study for the WSET. Don't judge too badly...)If you like the video, remember to subscr...

Surf and Turf our way on the Pit Boss Austin XL

 ramtuff2000  Feb 23, 2020

Steak, shrimp and smoked potatoes!! #bbq #pitbossnation #goodeats #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #steak #

Orecchiette at the 40th Anniversary Party of D’Araprì winery

 GrapevineAdventures  Nov 1, 2018

Here they were serving orecchiette at the 40th-anniversary party of D’Araprì winery at Villa Jamele close to Orsara in Puglia.