

The Brooklyn Brothers share their version of how to make an Antipasto Pie, or Antipasto Style Pizza. Antipasto (meaning, no pasta) is traditionally made up of Italian cured meats and delectable cheeses, such as Prosciutto, Salami, Capicola, Provolone, fresh mozzarella, etc., and accompanied by vari...

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Further reading

Smoking and grilling

 ramtuff2000  Sep 26, 2019

Ribs on the Pit Boss and Wings on the Akorn

Wine Hall of Fame - Casillero Del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon

 wineonthedime  Apr 25, 2017

Congratulations to Casillero Del Diablo for being inducted into the Wine on the Dime Hall of Fame! Make sure to subscribe if you would like notifications on future inductions.Original Casillero Review: http://www.wineonthedime.com/casillero-del-diablo-reserve-cabernet-sauvignon-2010/If you like the ...

Banana/walnut cake on my Pit Boss Lockhart and burgers on my Char-Griller Akorn for my birthday

 ramtuff2000  Apr 6, 2020

#pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #pitbosslockhart #Lockhart #chargriller #akorn #cake #burgers #pulledpork