

Andrew Cotto reads the Italian translation of OUTERBOROUGH BLUES: A BROOKLYN MYSTERY at I AM Books in Boston (10/5/2019).

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Further reading

Chambong Product Review!

 wineonthedime  Dec 21, 2016

It's been a while since I did a true product review. You won't be disappointed with today's though! Introducing the Chambong! It's a rapid delivery mechanism for Champagne. Watch the video to find out if it is any good...Want a get one or two (or five) for yourself, then visit the links below:Chambo...

Easy Cream of Potato Leek with Bacon // Tasty Bit 56

 WestchesterFoodies  Sep 18, 2014

I used to be a lover of writing. I fancied myself a not bad blogger and then I began to video tape myself and narcissus took over. Now, I can barely write my own name. Ok, that is a bit dramatic... see it is the writer surfacing!I wrote a post about my bro-in-laws simple potato leek soup a while bac...

Grilled Onion Ring Burgers

 Anita  Sep 13, 2021

Grilled onion ring burgers kill two birds with one stone. Instead of making them separately, simply stuff your onion rings with your burger meat and pop them on the grill. So simple!To check out Rebel Vino, click here: https://rebelvino.comFollow me on:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpressEnte...