

Here in this live stream I talk about a few things to think of when you plan your dream wine tour in Tuscany.With just a bit of planning and a bit of research you can get a much better wine experience than if you sign up for the mainstream wine tours in larger groups, etc.Enjoy the video...Cheers!

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Further reading


 AttorneySomm  Mar 18, 2021

In this video, Attorney Somm discusses when to open that wine bottle! Specifically, Attorney Somm helps you identify which wines benefit from bottle aging, including red wines, white wines, and Champagne. Attorney Somm then discusses several methods and resources that you can use to help identify ...

Pit Boss Lockhart Burn in and some features

 ramtuff2000  Feb 28, 2020

#pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #lockhart #pitbosslockhart #bbq #austinxl

How to Make Citrus Infused Olive Oil

 Anita  Dec 4, 2020

Citrus infused olive oil is easy to whip up and makes a great gift for the cook in your life.Simmer olive oil, orange peel and lemon peel for 20-30 minutes over very low heat. Remove peels, transfer into a sterilized bottle.Follow me on:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpressEnter...​Instagram: h...