

Time to wrap up the week with something fun! I hope... I had a craving for an Albariño the other day and was very happy to find one that I haven't reviewed yet. Let's take a look at the 2021 Val Do Sosego Albariño.►Vintage: 2021►Varietal: Albariño ►Region: Rias Baixas, Galacia, Spain►ABV: 12.5% ►P...

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2016 Columbia Crest Grand Estates Gold Red Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jun 12, 2019

Happy #WineWednesday! I found an interesting reserve red blend at the store recently. I had never seen one from Columbia Crest, so I hope it's good. Here is the 2016 Columbia Crest Grand Estates Gold Reserve Red Wine.►Vintage: 2016►Varietal: 64% Cabernet Franc, 30% Merlot, 3% Cabernet Sauvignon, 2% ...

ZenCore Electric Wine Decanter (Model D119) Product Review

 wineonthedime  Mar 25, 2022

Happy Friday! No wine review today, but I have a product review for you instead! ZenCore was kind enough to send me their model D119 Electric Wine Aerator, so let's take this thing for a spin. If you want one for yourself, then just go to the link below.►Model: D119 ►SKU: ZD119GYNA ►Website: https:...

How to Section Citrus and Become Instantly Cool // Tasty Bit 12

 WestchesterFoodies  Jan 31, 2012

This video explains how anyone can be cool by learning how to section an orange, a grapefruit and a lime.