

Today, I'm revisiting a wine that I reviewed four years ago on this channel. First, I want to see how it is different. Second, I have never been to a grocery store and NOT seen this wine on the shelf. It's been nagging me for a while to take a look again, so that's what I'm doing today. Here is the ...

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Further reading

2018 Chateau Chantal Amour Rosé Wine Review

 wineonthedime  May 12, 2020

This is day two and winery number two for the #PinkSociety chat Michigan wine chat. You can join us this Thursday at 8pm Central to learn about some of the cool stuff coming out of that state. In the meantime, get warmed up by watching this review of the 2018 Chateau Chantal Amour Rosé. ►Vintage: ...

Blue Lagoon

 RebelVino  Nov 21, 2020

Ingredients:     1 oz. vodka     1 oz. Blue Curacao     5 oz. lemonade     Slice of fruit   Instructions: Fill a highball glass halfway with ice. Add vodka and Curacao, and then fill the rest of the glass with lemonade. Garnis...

The Carousel - Man and Fire - at FICO Eataly World, Bologna

 GrapevineAdventures  Nov 14, 2017

A video I snapped while on the press tour at FICO Eataly World in Bologna. We got a so-called VIP tour of the premsises.