First, I'm back with another video! Second, no one told me that my dog had left her paw prints all over my shirt. Well, I guess you get to see a review and her big 'ol puppy paws in the same video. Let's look at the 2018 El Goru 38 Barrels Red Wine Blend.You can help me create more content on the ch...
Welcome to my @First We Feast Hot Ones (and wine pairing recommendations) live stream! Tonight, I am going to live stream myself as I do the Hot Ones wing challenge and try to recommend a pairing for each sauce. This was what you all OVERWHELMINGLY chose as the way that we should celebrate together....
Music: breathe slowMusician: Rook1eCooking up some chicken and pork for Taco Fest 2021!!The Inkbirdbbqgo probehttps://www.amazon.com/Inkbird-Bluetooth-Thermometer-IBBQ-4BW-Wireless/dp/B08LN5JGJR/ref=mp_s_a_1_23?adgrpid=79128987298&dchild=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjws-OEBhCkARIsAPhOkIaYhtXyhdy1PiKrvXDIWGtj8lKXcr...
When you want just a piece of fresh chocolate cake, make this dreamy Chocolate Mug Cake. Click here for the recipe: http://www.kitchannette.com/mug-cake-chocolateGet KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menus: http://www.amazon.com/KitchAnnette-Red-Carpet-Menus-Nominations/dp/0991501101Facebook: https://facebook...