

I reviewed the 19 Crimes Cali Red #wine from Snoop Dogg about a month or so ago and saw this wine at the store the other day. As someone who is a sucker for potential masochism, I had to pick it up and review it. Let see if the 19 Crimes 2020 Snoop Dog Cali Rosé is gonna make we sweat.►Vintage: 2020...

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Further reading

Product Review Air Wine Cork Popper

 wineonthedime  Mar 19, 2018

Happy Monday to you all! I hope you had your coffee and are getting ready for your daily wine vitamin! I start this week with a product review of the Wooxify Air Pressure Bottle Opener I bought on Facebook.►Price: $15If you like the video, remember to subscribe and click the bell enable notification...

Nerkihue wines from Chile

 VeganWines  Jan 20, 2020

Quiebre means break called that way because it represents a break from the traditional winemaking style that is “Justo”. Watch the video to understand what is "Justo". Cheers! :)

2019 Durigutti Cabernet Franc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 13, 2021

I had a great steak and beet dinner planned last weekend and decided that it would be awesome to pair with a nice Cabernet Franc. I went to the store prepared not to find one but I got double lucky. I found one AND it's from Mendoza, Argentina. Let's see if the 2019 Durigutti Cabernet Franc with be ...