

I reviewed the 19 Crimes Cali Red #wine from Snoop Dogg about a month or so ago and saw this wine at the store the other day. As someone who is a sucker for potential masochism, I had to pick it up and review it. Let see if the 19 Crimes 2020 Snoop Dog Cali Rosé is gonna make we sweat.►Vintage: 2020...

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Elevate Homemade Chocolate Pudding With This Secret Ingredient

 Anita  Mar 4, 2023

This video is a tribute to my late Aunt Joyce, who loved to get creative in the kitchen. She was even featured for her recipes in her local newspaper. The following recipe incorporates one of her favorite dessert ideas with my pudding.Homemade chocolate pudding is classic comfort food. My recipe ...

2016 Smith Story Riesling Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jul 18, 2019

I have been trying so long to get a Smith Story Winery #wine for a long time now and my store finally picked up one up. Today, I do a quick review of the 2016 Smith Story Riesling.►Vintage: 2016►Varietal: Riesling►Region: Rheingau, Germany►ABV: 11.5%►Price: $14Help support future reviews by visiting...

Sauvignon Blanc Showdown! WYSIWYG vs Starborough Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 7, 2017

TIME FOR A SHOWDOWN! In the red corner, hailing from France, weighing in at $6.50 and 11.5% ABV...we have What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Sauvignon Blanc! In the blue corner, out of New Zealand, weighing in at $9.50 and 13% ABV...the current Sauvignon Blanc champion of Wine on the Dime...Star...