

I reviewed the 19 Crimes Cali Red #wine from Snoop Dogg about a month or so ago and saw this wine at the store the other day. As someone who is a sucker for potential masochism, I had to pick it up and review it. Let see if the 19 Crimes 2020 Snoop Dog Cali Rosé is gonna make we sweat.►Vintage: 2020...

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Further reading

Do Wine Glasses Matter?

 CrushOnThis  Oct 24, 2024

Do Wine Glass Matter? Yes, they do. The size and shape of the wine glass will affect your perception of the wine, which will, in turn, affect your experience. Of course, if you want to drink your wine in a Solo cup, you can. But if you want to have the best experience, check out this video as we dis...

Anatomy of a Fowl: Creamy Chicken Soup

 KitchAnnette  Mar 6, 2024

It's the 2024 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! Each year I take the Academy Award's Best Picture Nominations and give them each an honorary dish to create an award-worthy meal! Recipe below!This year's theme is French-ish Dishes. Here’s this year's soup!For Anatomy of a Fall, it's Anatomy of a FowlCreamy...

2021 Josh Cellars Vintner's Edition Chardonnay Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Nov 30, 2022

The weather shifted to be warmer recently so I felt like grabbing something I could chill a little more. Then the weather shifted back almost instantly so now I'm drinking a chilled wine while it's 39 degrees outside. Oh well. Here is my review of the 2021 Josh Cellars Vintner's Edition Chardonnay.►...