

#WinesOfItaly #LiveStreamby KatarinaSara Trevisani and her family are the owners of Podere Palazzo winery close to Cesena in Emilia-Romagna.👉 Watch the video to learn more about Sara and their #winemaking.Sign up for my newsletter to get more wine news & offers👉 https://buff.ly/3YfSJ...

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Further reading

2017 Ana Diogo-Draper Tempranillo Wine Review from NakedWines.com

 wineonthedime  Jun 24, 2019

Monday = Tempranillo Time! I figured that it was a great day to bust open another bottle of Naked Wine. Today, I review the 2017 Ana Diogo Draper Tempranillo and, trust me, this is one that you will want to watch!►Get $100 off your first order of $160 by using this link: https://us.nakedwines.com/wi...

2019 Pa Road Sauvignon Blanc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jul 23, 2021

It's Friday! What's a better way to end the week than a nice, cold glass of Sauvignon Blanc. I hope that the 2019 Pa Road Sauvignon Blanc hits the spot.►Vintage: 2019►Varietal: Sauvignon Blanc ►Region: Marlborough, New Zealand ►ABV: 13%You can help me fuel more content on the channel through...►Te...

2020 Jadix Picpoul de Pinet Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 12, 2022

I found a bottle of Picpoul the other day and was so excited that I had to buy it on the spot. Picpoul translates to "lip stinger" because of its high acidity and y'all know I love me some acidic wines. Let's take a look at the 2020 Jadix Picpoul de Pinet.►Vintage: 2020►Varietal: Picpoul Blanc►Regio...