

The other day, APÉRO sent me their Nitrous Oxide powered wine opener for review. Well, the box felt like it was a million pounds so I was really curious for this accessory. So, let's have us take a look at the APÉRO N2O Powered Wine Opener.►World's fastest wine opener APÉRO Wine Opener Product Revi...

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Further reading

Pecan Balls with WALNUTS! A Holidaze Delight!

 KitchAnnette  Dec 23, 2016

Happy Holidays!! You will go NUTS for my Pecan Balls with Walnuts! If you're wondering "where are the pecans?", check out the story behind these non-pecan Pecan Balls! Click here for the full recipe: http://www.kitchannette.com/pecan-balls-walnuts/- Get KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menus: http://www.amaz...

NakedWines.com Alco-haul & Unboxing

 wineonthedime  Dec 12, 2018

Today for #WineWednesday, I decided to show off my latest "alco-haul" from Nakedwines.com. I got about half reds and half whites, but I'm very excited to share these with you over the next month.Get a $100 voucher on your first order of $160+ by using this link: https://us.nakedwines.com/invite/stua...

7 Interesting White Wines from Italy - Crush On This Episode 85

 CrushOnThis  Feb 24, 2022

When thinking about Italian white wines, everyone knows Pinot Grigio and Moscato. But Italy is home to hundreds, if not thousands of native grapes, many of them white grape varieties. In this episode, let’s look past Pinot Grigio and take a look at some of the best Italian white wines. Give our vide...