

At WinesOfItaly Blab on June 21st 2016 my guests were Saverio Luzzi, Claudia Luzzi, and Giovanni Ridi from Villa La Ripa winery close to Arezzo. They were talking about their wines and the Etruscan wine event they are organizing on Sunday, June 26th.-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "My guest appearance ...

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Further reading

Sauvignon Blanc Comparison: Can Brancott Estate Beat Starborough?

 wineonthedime  Jan 28, 2020

I'm doing a different video today. So, a while back I reviewed Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc and I thought that it could be a contender to replace my wife's favorite wine: Starborough. Well, I decided to put that theory to the test and see if my wife prefers one over the other and if she can tell ...

2020 Beaujolais Nouveau Showdown! Jean-Claude Debeaune, Georges Deboeuf, Charles Shaw

 wineonthedime  Nov 20, 2020

Yesterday was Beaujolais Nouveau Day! It's a fantastic time of the year and really signals that the Fall is in full swing. Today, I review 3 different wines for so you can see if any of them are worth your money. I also talk about how the Charles Shaw Nouveau really isn't the same thing as the other...

All-Natural Microwave Popcorn with Olive Oil and Sea Salt

 RadishRose  Jun 12, 2021

Here is a mind-blowing fact: all popcorn is microwave popcorn. They haven't done anything magical to the popcorn to make it pop in the microwave. IT'S THE BAG. I know, right?!??? So, you don't need all that other stuff that's in the pre-made kind. You can just get good old fashioned plain un-popped ...