

We all love a bottle of wine and the sound of pulling out the cork. When screw caps came along, that seemed like the solution for wine-on-the-go as you no longer had to have a wine opener handy. But, if you like to go to the beach, go camping, or do any other outdoor or on-the-go activity, a glass b...

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Further reading

Post-Holiday Decorating

 Anita  Jan 8, 2021

When the holiday decorations come down, our spirits often come down with them. Post-holiday decor is important for making your home comfortable and cozy, and avoiding the winter blues. Here are some practical tips and ideas.Follow me on:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpressEnter...​Instagram: h...

2019 Governor's Bay Sauvignon Blanc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Oct 5, 2020

You know what wine pairs best with chillin' on the property? What ever my wife tells me to buy. Obviously I am reviewing another New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. However, it is Total Wine & More's #1 selling Sauv Blanc. Let's take a look at the 2019 Governor's Bay Sauvignon Blanc.►Vintage: 2019►Varietal...

Wanderlust Wine Company in Austin, TX

 wineonthedime  Sep 4, 2019

Austin, TX is in store for something great! In this video, I had the opportunity to interview Sammy Lam about his upcoming business, the Wanderlust Wine Company. We discuss his journey through wine, his travels, and what he has in store for introducing the city to wine from all over the world. Wande...